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Our body care section is growing every day!
From essential oils to personal care products, we have you covered from head-to-toe! Highlighted below are Local, Canadian and just some of our favourite brands we carry!
Made on Gabriola!
Panacea Herbs - The Happy Hippy Soap Company
Works Wonders - Point 6 Acre
Oral Care
Green Beaver - Himalaya Botanique - Nelson Naturals
Redmond Earthpaste - Bentodent - Auromere
Tanitabs - F.e.t.e - Tom's - drTungs
Hair Care/Body Care
Carina Organics - Routine - The Unscented Company
Sea Wench Naturals - Prairie Naturals
Phillip Adam - The Soap Works - Sukin
Deodorants & Essential Oils/Aromatherapy
Active Humans - Green Beaver - Schmidt's - New Roots
Pure Potent Wow - Weleda - Wild Creek - Tanit - Now

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